Wednesday, December 30, 2009

when time pass by with boringness, i will simply think!

hand up all the assignments,waiting for final exam...
too many time for me to day dreaming,
I think of "the end of the world", will this really happend?
i really cant accept this kind of joke!
when I imagine if the world really end like 2012, then I will die with horrorness!My family and friends will also same like me?
I dun want this happend on us!
Besides, I also think of if you like someone,but got another girl also like that person, and that girl is much more pretty and is the type that many guys like to pikat, then what would you do in this situation?
haiz... now I just want to relax relax and relax...dont want to think too much after handing up all my assignments

Monday, December 28, 2009

long time no update my blog already, too busy!
Busy about what? You guys sure want to know.
Busy about assignment assignment and assignment again.^.^
Now finally can rest. My assignment already hand up, just waiting for final examination.
So now I got 3 event photo need to upload.

-1st: went to GENTING
sitting at train

1st time play^.^

marry go!

me and my friend standing middle of the water fall...

After a nice genting trip, me and my friend went to KLCC for a movie.
2012, wow, nice and excited movie!
This is something special on that day, christmas is coming on that day.
So they have a candy house to let people to take picture.

The 3rd event is FAU night.
This is the 1st dinner night that I wear so "over"
hair I set my own. I also help my friend set her hair.
Then make up and wear nice nice... HAHA^.^
This is my hair that i set my own.

This is my
got friend say when I wear this clothes I look like chirstmas tree,
some say me look like "kong que"
because I wear too green.

me and my friend...she pretty?
Are we pretty and cute? haha...
beside, this only part of the picture.
I still have photo with 4 pretty friends together,
photo with seniors,
photo with friendz...HeHe...!

Friday, October 2, 2009

back from camp~


yesterday i only back from camping~
the place of this camp was in Dusun ECO,
this 4 days really gave me many memories~

1st day really tired, need to built many things and cook too!
the day passed very very slow!

2nd day start excited, many games had stared!
but the most terrible thing had happend to me was during we playing the rakit on the water...
got a guy come to turn over all the rakit n so unlucky when he turn the rakit of my team, i was fall into the watern the rakit HIT my head ! ... that time i dunno why i cant even find the floor n stand on it ... then when i can stand up... the STUPID rakit block my way to surface of the water ... i pushed it to the front n back also cant find a way go to the surface of the water... OMG~ almost cant breath already... i force to find a place to go to the surface to breath... FINALLY, i found it , it was the middle of the rakit that had a big space to let me go up~ when i reach on the surface of the water to breath ... i was stuck to the middle of the rakit .... WALAU~ what happened to me .... so SUI~

3rd day again is a fun day~
everning water games again~
wah.... i hurt again...
this time i hurt my eye~ so pain...
one 1st aider take me go wash my eye~
after i clean my eye , i sitting there n watch them n play ...
the wind blow~ WALAU ! so cold~ i just sit there n freez n see them play~
But the most fun n make me enjoy was the night ... a camp fire...
the camp fire was so beautiful....
we play dacing...
dancing on the beautiful camp fire ... so romantic.... so fun also~
maybe this quite boring to some people but not for me~

4th day was the last day,
we all can sleep until so late ...
n we also have a prize giving,
my team get the most best camp side, best female, best male n the second name of the team(i also don't know it call what)
we all also not too wish to go home~

when the next day ... i found out my hand got many red spot n it getting more n more... swt~ haiz~
so itchy le ~ got some senior say it is parasite! OMG~ what! baterial.... WUWU~ hope dun get worst only...

Monday, August 31, 2009

back to ipoh~

1st day,
i start back from kl to my hometown,ipoh
my friend's parents drive me home,
on the way, i watching the clouds...(don't no have what feeling also)
almost 7pm i reached my home sweet home,
omg~ so many people at my house,outside full of cars,
they were my cousins~
that was shocked me ~

2nd day,
i start feeling not well,
headace,temperature increses...
cant do anything~
so worry cant attend the next day's gathering with my friends~

3rd day,
my fever has reduce but haven recover,
omg, everning got gathering with 1st gang of friends,
night got 2nd gang of gathering ...
AH~ no way! i must attend!
so, i called my dad took me go see doctor!
but... at last ... 2 gathering i also absent...
because too tired!

4th day,
nothing happens...
at home resting like a snake~

5th day,
i heard my friend said got another time gathering,
so i tell myself this time must attend!
vanue~ JUSCO~
we go to watch movie,n shop shop~haha(^.^)
so lucky i meet back a friend at jusco...
yuen leng~long time no see wo!hehe~
Although that day my fever already recover,but i start to cough...
help la~ sickness please go away la~ always kacau me! (T.T)
all my friends like so scare me~
i hate u la~(cough)
But most happy thing is i saw back my ipoh friends n have a gathering~
gathering for me is something simply,no need any party or what~just simply~

6th day,
today, last day at ipoh,
6pm going back to kl~
but dun worry i will back after exam!
but i hope my cough will recover,i dont want people look me like "aline"
next time coming back to ipoh will be more happy because 3 more friends will back together!

Monday, August 24, 2009

new post~


this few weeks like nothing to say~
but got some interesting events was done!
so i just want to show the pictures that take on the saturday,
because we go to sungai wang n time square...
singK, watch movie(UP), n buy things...

we all at the GreenBox, singing~

me n my friend,snow~

take picture on the toilet~

this guy birthday on that day~

me n my friend,winnie~we having our dinner in a shoping like japenses style~ sit on the pillow on the floor~

four friends~

Friday, August 14, 2009

Long time didn't update my blog alreaday,too busy with my assignments !
Got 2 more group assignments need to do.
But today me n my friends had done a group assignment, that was drawing a graffiti.
That was kind of fun to play with it la~ using paints and sprays!
After the job done, me and my friends were little disapointed with the graffiti we have done, because it was not the work that we wanted, but it still can be accepted because it quite ok to look on it!

Busy this, busy that... BUSY LIKE A BEE!
so many assignments...
after assignments, we having final exam!
Me haven't start to study! OMG~ so worry! :O
No time to think this or think that~
If got anyting want to ask me or "miss" me then msn or left a comment ~ ^.^

Saturday, July 18, 2009

XXX 没有题目

~continue with last post~
the guy that i mention in my last post,
he is a quite good guy la,
always help his friends when they are in need,
he always helped me before,
so can say is a quote kind guy!
But i found out something that make me think he not suit me,
so i decided to help him to change abit,
so that he can more suit me if suddenly we become a couple,
but...something happened!
because of some out coming bad commnet,
n this bad comment not only the people say , but i also saw n feel by my own self,
these make me give up my feeling on him until 20%
when i decided to give up my feeling on him,
he suddenly dunno why n what reason make him changed his mind,
he told me he found out he care n worry me more than others,
but why this happening?
when i giv up something then another "miracle" happen le~ T.T
actually who can tell me what are happening here ?
make me so blur ~
if "he" know~ i hope he will tell me what so actrative about me ?
can make him care n worry me more ???
i really wan to know!
what so special about me ????
i have no idea at all~

Friday, July 17, 2009


time had pass by for already 2 months in KL,
most if my assignment n presentation also already passed,
so can say i have some free time...
when i liked someone that time,
got many negative comment keep on coming to me,
got people say he is not suit to u,
got people say he not good enough,
got people say he flower hearted,
got people call me left him,because that time he look like like my friend more,
when i wan to give up on him,
y did he turn back to me?
y did he so kind me to me?
what should i do?
left him? accept him or just be a friend?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


assignment 一个比一个多,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

nothing more to say only see through picture

want see more ?
me and my friends already open another new blogger all also regrading to our new lift in KL n college teenager life...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

speacial day

24/6/09, wednesday
today really is a SPEACIAL DAY,
today is MU day, means multimedia day,
one of the lecturer bring us multimedia students go see a movie,
u all guess guess what movie he bring us go see...
hehe...cant think le,
answer is "transformer, the revenge of the fallen"
that movie really is so YENG and GENG,
i think people who no go see really wasted this chance,
really syok , no regeat at all!
i saw my senior,
we meet in one of the online game,
but he so paise to see me...
swt lo, me so scary meh?
having our lunch also sit not far,
sms call him to say hi to me also say paise n dun wan look at me also,

=.= he really want hit by me!
my friend also say no saw a guy so paise before,
finally , before we leave the food court, u say BYE to him 1st, he then say bye to me,
swt swt + swt...
after awhile also in time sqaure, i saw him again,
this time i try to make a small fun on him,
so....i ....
call out his name so loud when he pass by infront of me,
his friends also look back to me,n he just look back n smile,
wakakaa~ me so naughty,
later he sms me say he feel shock when i call him n so paise,
swt lo, paise again???
who call him dun want wan to call or say hi to me, BLEK~ heheee
in the cinema, after the show, me n my friend stand at there n suddenly block a guy,
what is his reaction?
sure really shock...
HAHA! i really laugh out at that time,
because he really look like let us frighten out,
although at night in msn he say he didnt let us scare him...HAHA...
1 thing tat regret:
i wear a pair of wrong shoes,
that shoes keep on like "bitting" me,
start walk also know already,
so pain!!! T.T
pain from start until the end (9.15am-7pm)
conclusion is ...
today really is a FUN day for me, i think also same as the people who got going,
i really gland i got attend this MU day~ really is the 1st time make me so fun in KL life...
so i type in this blog to share this happiness to all of my dear friends... ^.^

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

another new funny day


this morning i also go to college by myself,
morning class, introduction about illastration,
i also dunno wat is that...
i HATE that teacher,
because want me n my classmate to draw this n that,
when i see my classmate all also draw until so beautiful,
me feel so emberess, my drawing so "suck",
(sorry i dun wan to say rude word, but i already dunno what word can use to explain about my drawing)
after the class, i decided PONTENG my another class,
why i want to do like this???
- need wait so long to attend a 2 hours lecture?
- for me this class lecture is not use , because i dunno wat he teaching
- no friend teman me back,last time still got ting teman me back, today she no come to college because sick jor
with this 3 reasons i already decided dun wan to go...
me NAUGHTY le...
after that, i want to go back home de,
my another friend want go TBR buy thing, so i go teman him,
at the shop i saw my class rap (^.^)
so we walk back to college together,
half way~ that stupid meow( my friend) HIT me with the files~
wei ya, do u know my head really pain de?
1 file,1 skectch book n 1 journal(almost few kg le)
stupid meow!!!
if can i wish my friends can help me to HIT him back~
then he n class rap back to college n i CONTINUE my PONTENG,
i wait the bus come ...
finally i reach my condo,
so quiet the whole building , house n room,
so syok!!!(^.^)
after my friend back, we start think something funny to do,
finally, we chose play taking photo using laptop,
i will post up 1 or 2 "ss" photo ,
then the time pasted really fast n now already reached night~
need go sleep jor...
but tomorrow is a die date, no read the hubungan etnik le, DIE lo~!!!HAIZ...
tired already, need sleep.. hope all my friends who saw this post dun too tired to see, because too long jor.. i also know it!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


today is MONDAY,
my friend,ting, go to her cousin house to stay over night because she have a sickness that already so long that haven cure,
so i sleep alone the whole night,
today i need to go back to college by myself,
my 1st class are at 8am,
so i need take 7.30am bus,
wake up at 6am,sky so DARK~
this morning suddenly RAIN,
i go take the clothes in,
whole room, whole house either wole building so QUIET!
haiz...get up too early already,
nothing to do and time haven reach to go bus stop,
so i open my laptop and start typing my blog,
opening the songs to hear too,
slow and sad songs,
make the surrounding so sad,cold,quiet and lonely...
almost the time already,
need prepare and go to bus stop already,
i hope got friends will teman me go to college...
i don't want go alone...
all my friends after seeing this post , hope will feel my cold nad lonelyness...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


what a "special" day,
-morning lat, so late for the bus, so need take a taxi go to college~
-until college, my heavy bag make me sweat a lot~

-after lunch go out buy something that need in my course,also make me sweat alot~
-then before going to my next class,start raining...
-thunder n lightning everywhere, "bing bing boom boom"!when my friend n me go to my friend's car take things, OMG~let lightning SHOCK!!!! HELP~my hand like let lightning shock, my hand so pain... during that time my hand numbed few seconds( my friend also let lightning shockbut just little on her finger~)
-after that, all my clothes wet~

good thing is ...
*one of my friend so brave n help us take the thing from the car~lucky he didn't getshock by lightning...
* another friend drive the car n fetch us go to the place that we have our class~
LUCKY le, but all bad only 2 good things... SWT~
hope my friend who saw this post , please give so suggestion! thx ^.^

Sunday, June 7, 2009

life at KL (almost 1 month)

came to KL already 3 weeks,
slowly i accept the food,weather n life style of KL ppl...
cos i bought a new hat, clothes,shoes n socks(shi wa),
im thinking want have a change on me~
KL things all so expensive,
food, clothes, shoes, LRT n others more,
this make me want to do a part time job n earn some $$,
so that i won't spend all the $$ gave by my parents.
but where to find a part time job ???
in this 3 weeks,
my college life started,
so many assignment came to me,
this "sem" i took 6 subjects,
all also assignment~ assignment~ assignment~
although got some assignment quite FUN for me,
but others ...
all also drawing...
all my classmate all also are drawing profesional,
i sad because my drawing skill so bad...
sometime i think i joined wrong course...
but in this 3 weeks~ i met alot of my groupmate, all also so funny,
chat with them sure have an enjoyble time~
so quite lucky to meet with THEM~^.^

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

the new life in KL

i came to KL already passed 2 week,
~some special things tat happen~
the 1st orientation week :
-i can't stand the KL's weather n foods(make me sakit perut)
-so many people 人山人海
-so many people highlight hair
-got 1 lecturer so young
-in a lecture class i "pk"
2nd week :
-start class
-get in my group,all not leng zai!
-started so many assignment(do until want die jor)
-spend lot of $$$(my $$ all gone T.T)
last sunday me n my friends go time square and have shopping,
me n yin let the shop keeper cheat, that price so EXPENSIVE....swt!
but that clothes quite NICE~
but all my $$ gone...gone...GONE!!!!
what to do? KL life so headache(price all so expensive)
so as a reminder for all my friends... dun spend too much in KL(^.^)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

sad sad day

few minutes more is already 17/5(sunday)
this day i will go kl jor~
this time i got so many weird weird feeling but dunno how to express it out,
so i suddenly got an idea want to write it in my FEELING BLOG!!!
today,when i on9 n saw my friends,
they ask me: when u will going to KL ?
this question make me feel so wan to CRY out

but i tahan me from crying,so that my little brother won't say me sot!!hehe~
but my tear can't tahan, "it" keep falling down from my eyes to my face...
i think it over n over again,
maybe i will too miss all my friends(real,game,or msn or skype friends)
i also will miss my family, im a person who like to depend on family,

i still remember,
last time i went to a camp,the camp only 4days 3 nights,
i also can't cry everynight,cos so miss my parents...
dunno this time i went to KL will cry everynight anot ?

writing this blog my tear keep coming out~
who will understand me?
so sad so sad so sad~
hope all my friends who read or no read will remember me~
pls dun 4get about me ooh~!!!must remember me~!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


this time title is about MISS...
actually i missing about what le ...people?thing?or place?
actually i MISS my home town,
2 days more, i need go to KL n study,
so MISS my home town,IPOH!!!
KL's things all also so expensive,
KL's always happening kidnaping n robbing,
these make me so scare~wuwuwu~
other than this...
i also MISS my friends,
after go KL i can't online some times,
because i didn't have laptop or even a notebook(actually same meaning,haha)
because of this, i can't chat with friends...
i also MISS my family,
will be some times i can't see my family,
cos my family in ipoh n me go KL...
i MISS my cat, meow meow~
after go KL,scare no people will feed my cat~
wuwu~T.T so miss many things...
after going to KL,
im worring about something...
- i worry can't get along with other housemate(of cos not include my friends)
- 1st day going to college what should i do n what should i bring too???
- worry about my friends n mine safty ( kes rogol,rompak, buli....)
- last is, go college i worry can't follow up all the lesson n people,cos my english so terrible

Sunday, May 10, 2009

~weird weird feeling~

  1. ......yesterday just back from KL......
    saturday n sunday family n i when to KL to shift somethings,
    because me n my friends will going to KL to study,
    at KL nothing speacial thing happen,
    jus so disappointed about something:
    .1st: no go any place to shopping
    .2nd: the house we rented so...dirty n untidy
    .3rd: so hot....beh tahan...
    then we went back to IPOH...ohh before i forgot,at KL i saw 2 leng zai le~but only can pass by...cos i saw them at road~driving a car... so "yeng"

    ...few days more...
    few days more, me n my friends really will leave IPOH n go KL to study,
    so miss this IPOH, n my computer,
    cos when go to KL staudy i less chance n time play computer,
    cos no sad^.^
    besides, i so hope to done 1 "thing" before i go KL,but this "thing" won't so easy to finnish...
    if i don't done it before i go to KL,i will REGRET after i go KL!!!!
    what should i do~what should i do~
    "爱一个人很容易, 忘了一个人很难"
    this line i really like it...full of meaning...
    so hope my friend who saw this messege can giv some comment to me~

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sad Monday

today is MONDAY,
also is a sad MONDAY for me.
all my friends go to parade and have fun,
accept me, i stay at home as usual,
play 2 hours computer at afternoon n close it,
my bro back from school,
he has something changes, that changes make me think that his school so cruel,
this changese also make my bro so sad n angry, n this make me so angry about his school,
WHAT A STUPID SHIT school is that!!
i let my mom scold,
maybe she is right,that i already done something wrong,
another thing happened, one of my friend told me that she can't go play badminton with me at thursday, this make me so disappointed,
because we so long no meeting each other, so wan to find her out n chat chat~
if not, i scare not enough time to let us meet,
i nid to go KL already...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

what a stupid person am i~
keep on thinking about him,him n him~nothing more....
make me had sleepless night...
but then....
today only know the truth....
the TRUTH make me like a lame person...
all people know, accept me~
make me like a fool playing by frineds....
what a sad sad day~

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

garden of feelings

hi~im new here!
this is 1st time i using a blog,
the reason to create a blog is too boring to stay in a house.
and all my friends start play a new game that i not too like it...
so, i wish playing a blog can reduce my boringness.....